About Me

About me...

Hello, my name is Elaine and I trained at the College of Foot Health Practitioners which means I am listed [registration No MPSP333703] on the Accredited Register of Foot Health Practitioners - the only register for this occupation approved by the Professional Standards Authority under the Health & Social Care Act, 2012.
See link to college website http://www.collegefhp.com/.
See link to Register of FHPs website: http://www.foothealthpractitionerregister.co.uk
See link to  Professional Standards Site http://www.professionalstandards.org.uk/home
What is the difference between a FHP, Podiatrist and Chiropodist?

Until the 1990’s we were all called Chiropodists no matter where we trained. When the Podiatry Degree was brought in, newly qualified people became Podiatrists and Chiropodists could take an additional qualification to bring them to the same level. The old Chiropody training continued but as the graduates could no longer be called Chiropodists, the new FHP term was born.

A Podiatrist can work within the NHS or Private Practice and can treat all aspects of the foot and lower limb including surgery under local anaesthetic and prescribing drugs. An FHP is qualified and insured to do all the essential maintenance including nail cutting, hard skin removal (callus), corns and verrucas, including for people with Diabetes.

There are many foot treatments that are often unavailable on the NHS, but you have the option of asking a private Podiatrist or FHP to assess and treat your feet either within a clinic or, as with me, by having a home visit from a mobile clinic. This is particularly a good choice for those who are unable to travel or simply would like the Practitioner to come to them in the comfort of their own home.

Services available

Foot Massage

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